Scrapbooking - Day 1

16/7/2021 Exactly two months ago (coincidence?) WAS my birthday. A week later, my sister's birthday present to me arrived, and it was Enhypen's Ggu-Ggu package. Inside contained stuff for... scrapbooking. Which is not something I usually do nor am I very adept at. But today I decided, for 40 minutes, that was all I was going to do. So, opening this picture book that I'm supposed to cut snippets out of: Found an easy target for today's scrapbooking. I'm not creative enough to cut full pictures uniquely and paste them onto the notebook but since these are already in premade circles, I can use them. Scissors were not very nice to me, but her, I at least managed to remove the page. Cut them into strips so that each circle will be easier to access. I'm lucky I didn't accidentally tear anything. Those circles were obviously made for these circular outlines. They're not too visible in the photo above (I just took them quick...