Episteme - July 11th - Socionics Intertype Relations
Day 5 - Socionics Intertype Relations
Why socionics intertype relations?
So I got an MBTI + Enneagram burnout, but I still really like typology. It's probably the one subject I'll ever be an expert and have the diligence to follow. I've wanted to tackle Socionics for a while - I had mediocre knowledge, but it definitely should be improved.
Anyways, intertype relations. It was inspired by visiting Sunghoon of Enhypen's profile. Then I noticed something - he was voted ESI. To be honest, it does fit him (a lot better than the previously voted LSI. That vote's gone), but then I remembered that Jake was a SEI. Jake and Sunghoon are literally called the soulmates of Enhypen because of how much they relate to each other and find each other similar, so I decided to look it up. They're apparently something called... Quasi. And it doesn't fit what they're promoted as, so I'm curious bahaha. Thus this came to be.
Socionics Intertype Relations
Okay, so for those who don't know, socionics is a personality system consisting of 16 types. Each of them have 8 information elements that function differently in different positions according to model A.
You shouldn't primarily focus on relations when typing. It explains a lot but just focus on the actual information elements and stuff, don't worry about compatibility while typing. Just a disclaimer.
So intertype relations types the psychological compatibility between two parts. It highlights things in common, areas where they clash, and how the relationship works.
There are 14 types of relationships (not 16?). Twelve are symmetrical and two are asymmetrical. I have a guess that I actually know what it means, so like symmetrical means the relationship is the same in both directions, while asymmeetrical means they view each other... differently. I was reading beforehand and there are stuff like Benefactor and Supervisor relationships, so in stuff like this obviously only one type can be the supervisor over the other. Thus 14 relationships actually make sense if we want to give everyone a upper-hand supervisor at least once, then you multiply two relationships by two types to get 4, so 12 symmetrical relationships added with 4 asymmetrical would make 16.
Anyways, when they say functions match, it means they're the same function, just on different positions.
Ego block: Leading function - 1st. Creative function - 2nd
Super-ego block: Vulnerable - 4th. Role - 3rd
Super-id block: Mobilizing function - 6th. Suggestive function - 5th
Id block: Ignoring function - 7th. Demonstrative function - 8th
Suggesting and mobilizing functions match with the lead and creative functions of another. Yin and Yang effect. The right synergy of valued information is created, hence, great pair.
Dual pairs are called dyads :0
Quick tip for recognizing: Same quadra, Introvert-Extrovert relation, but don't share Ego functions
Same type. All functions exactly matched.
Get along extremely quickly, and have no problem with communication. However, nothing new brought to the table. Both types have the same problems eg ILI with emotion, so yeah.
Ego and super-id blocks are matching with each other, thus they can get comfortable with each other easily. However, the leading function matching the mobilizing and the creative matching the suggestive means the same kinds of information gets inputted or not inputted, thus they compete. Need breaks from each other from time to time.
Quick tip for recognizing: Same quadra. Extratim matches extratim and introtim matches introtim.
Intellectual connection and stimulation. Mutual connection. Same ego functions, but switched in their positions, so one's lead is another's creative, and vice versa. Different emphasis on how they approach things, but remain appreciative of each other's work. However may feel that the other is too focused on something else when it should be something else that is focused on.
Quick tip for recognizing: switch first two letters, then change the last letter to the opposite. Same quadra. Eg EIE -> IEI
Comparative relations. Same leading function but different creative function. Interactions are easy but can have disagreements on value differences due to creative function difference. Same goal should be approached different ways.
Quick tip in recognizing: same first and third letter. LSI - LII
Business relations. Different leading functions but the same creative function. Use the same methods, but go towards different things. Hence appear similar.
Quick tip in recognizing: same second and third letter. SLE - ILE
Incomplete of inefficient duality. leading and suggestive functions match but creative and mobilizing do not. Each type can supply their main needs, but cannot put each other at ease. Can be attracted to each other but will clash due to different values.
Quick tip in recognizing: Same leading function as type in duality, then switch the second letter. ILE ->SEI ->SLI. So ILE and SLI are semiduals.
Superego partners
Find each other mysterious. Matching temperaments mean they appreciate each other. Leading, role, creative, and mobilizing functions are matched, so there is a dissonance in values. Conversations are short-lived and unfulfilling.
Quick tip to recognizing: Same third letter. Other letters are their opposites. Eg Sensing -> Intuitive. IEE-SLE
Asymmetric. Higher status (>) is called the benefactor. Lower status (<) is called the beneficiary. Suggestive of the beneficiary matches the creative of the benefactor. Benefactor's suggestive matches beneficiary's vulnerable. Thus, beneficiary requires too much from the benefactor, but the benefactor isn't really getting anything in return. Benefactor feels used while beneficiary feels incompetent.
Relationships are better described in rings than pairs.
ILE > EIE > SEE > LSE > ILE… etc.
SEI > LSI > ILI > EII > SEI… etc.
ESE > IEE > LIE > SLE > ESE… etc.
LII > SLI > ESI > IEI > LII… etc.
Quick tip to recognizing: I don't think there's any quick way lol but the last letter is usually the same. The rings also never have the same combination of the initial two letters, so if we have an LSE, in the ring would also be a SEE (with sensing first and ethics rather than logic), EIE (ethics first and intuition rather than sensing), and ILE (intuition with logic rather than ethics). LSE is the benefactor to ILE, so to the ILE, L is first in his benefactor, and rather than intuition, sensing is there.
Asymmetric. Higher status (>) = supervisor. Lower status (<) = supervisee. Supervisor's leading function matches the vulnerable of the supervisee's, so the supervisor is baffled by supervisee's inadequacies and places expectations on the other which supervisee cannot comprehend. Lead of supervisee matches creative of supervisor, so bafflement is missed.
ILE > LSI > SEE > EII > ILE… etc.
SEI > EIE > ILI > LSE > SEI… etc.
ESE > SLI > LIE > IEI > ESE… etc.
LII > IEE > ESI > SLE > LII… etc.
Quick tip to recognizing: All different quadras. Opposite third letters. Supervisor's second letter matches supervisee's first letter, and their first letter is switched to the opposite dichotomy before taking place as the second letter. Eg IEE -> EII -> ESI. So IEE is the supervisor while ESI is the supervisee.
External harmony, internal dissonance. Leading functions match demonstrative and creative functions match ignoring. Superficially they work in the same fields, but have different priorities in how to approach matters. Never agree on how to approach.
Eg: Jake and Sunghoon apparently
Quick tip to recognizing: Same third letter, first two letters switch positions. SEI-ESI
Both discombobulated by each other. Leading matches ignoring and creative matches demonstrative. Explicit values dissonance. Clear they don't agree with each other. See each other as highly contrarian.
Quick tip to recognizing: Different last letter. EIE-EII
Least compatible and fulfilling. Complete opposites. Leading matches vulnerable. Creative matches role. Mutual misunderstandings occur, and both sees each other as having a lack of desirable qualities. "Unfortunately, the conflictor is the quasi-identical of a person’s dual" Uhhh what? Okay, eg, LII. The quasi of an LII is an ILI. The ILI's dual is an SEE. So LII and SEE are conflictors. Because of this, there is superficial intrigue before they realise how truly they don't comprehend each other.
Quick tip to recognizing: what's said above. Quasi's dual is the conflictor
Other things I've learnt:
- I read more on Attitudinal Psyche. I found some shortcomings - interests. Taehyun loves putting ideas into action and analyzing them logical. He has dominant Se in MBTI. He doesn't value physics in Attitudinal Psyche.
- A-levels. My mom made me read on them, and apparently their exams occur at the same month of IGCSE's. She'll lay out a plan.
Okay, so apparently that's it. Took me a while to write this but hopefully this helped me in some way. I'm sure I'll forget but there's a reason I'm writing everything down. Also, I should have announced, but I'm an EII :) EII-Ne Creative to be precise. Until tomorrow.
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